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    † oddy †
    † oddy †

    Posts : 92
    Join date : 2010-05-30
    Age : 55
    Location : manchester UK

    666 Empty 666

    Post  † oddy † 17th November 2010, 5:27 pm

    Rev 13:16-18

    16. He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,

    17. and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

    ( in short the aramaic / hebrew equivalent of 6 is W , 666 = www ) just a little food for thought Very Happy

    in the comeing years each of us will be given the chip (Let him who has understanding) denie that chip refuse it at all cost (He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark)Here is wisdom God be with you all peace .

      Current date/time is 25th November 2024, 11:06 am